Braces and Oral health

4 Ways in which Braces help Oral health

Not everyone is born with perfect straight teeth. Teeth are crooked, not aligned properly, some are crowded, and there are ‘too many teeth’ – all these results in a less than perfect smile. This brings down the self–confidence of a person. It is comforting that all these issues can be set right with the use of braces. Braces are traditionally metal brackets that help to push the teeth that are misaligned into their desired position. Braces exert bearable pressure on the teeth, the brackets are adjusted little by little till they move to the position they should be in.

Braces are now available in different types and colours and there are invisible braces as well to choose from. There are traditional metal braces or they come in vibrant colours. There are ceramic braces that are not noticeable as the metal braces. Invisible braces or Invisalign braces are also available for those who are conscious of wearing braces. The differences are in appearance and cost. Getting advice from a dentist will help while choosing the braces that are suited for each person. Young and adults all can make use of the braces to enhance their smile and teeth position. But it is not aesthetic value that braces provide, they promote and support oral health as well in a person. Depending on the extent of dental issue a person has, the time of wearing braces varies from person to person to get the desired look.

Clean Teeth

Teeth that overlap/overcrowded creates problems while brushing or flossing. Brushing does not clean the spaces between the teeth, some spaces are not reachable with brushes or while flossing. This creates food debris to stay in the mouth and attracts bacteria to act on the food debris and bring in tooth decay. If braces are used, the crookedness of teeth is set right. This will result in straighter teeth and there is no overlapping of teeth. Food debris will not get stuck between the teeth. Chances of decay in the mouth are greatly reduced by this. Teeth that are straighter and not crooked will be easier to clean with routine brushing and flossing. Plaque or tartar build-up does not happen as the teeth are uncrowded and can be cleaned easily. Tartar built-up if it happens it is noticeable and is not hidden from view. Cleaner teeth are possible from wearing braces especially for those who have crooked or overcrowded teeth or too many teeth.

No more bite problems

Misalignment of teeth is seen and together with that there is malocclusion of the jaw also observed. In this situation, the upper and lower jaw do not fit together. Normally the upper jaw is slightly over the lower jaw. This helps protect the cheeks, lips and tongue. The teeth in both the upper and lower jaw fit in smoothly in this situation. But when the bite does not stay or if the lower jaw protrudes or upper jaw protrudes more than the other then overbite and underbite problems come up. Extra teeth or too many teeth, abnormally shaped teeth are some of the reasons for this issue. The jaw and mouth region experiences pain because of this issue. The pain sometimes moves over to the neck region and some even experience headaches because of this condition. When braces are used, the extra teeth are removed from the mouth. Braces push the teeth which are protruding into their position. When this happens, the jaw might not have space to accommodate all the teeth. Dentists will then suggest removing the ‘extra teeth’. When this situation is taken care of with braces the pain goes away.

Gets rid of mouth/jaw pain

Jaw and mouth pain is something constantly experienced by those who need to wear braces. When there are dental issues, then there is a nagging pain in the mouth. This can be due to the constant pressure that is felt in the mouth. Teeth are not aligned properly, while chewing there is extra pressure and brings in more pain. When braces are worn, the pressure is greatly reduced in the mouth. ‘Unrequired’ teeth, teeth that are misaligned or crooked are moved to their proper positions. Braces help to straighten them, they do not push against each other and bring in pressure in the mouth. When pressure eases, the pain and discomfort that is felt in the mouth and jaw are replaced by ease when consuming food. Many who start wearing braces, almost instantly feel the pressure easing off. The overcrowded teeth are removed as there is not enough place and the pressure that is felt goes away. Chewing food, speaking all become easy and comfortable with the use of braces. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) causes constant pain in the mouth, it is recognising by the popping/clicking sound that is heard when mouth moves. This is a serious dental concern and immediate care must be taken, braces help to overcome this problem as well.

Less dental problems

Dental fillings, crowns, bridges, root canal are serious dental issues that bring in much pain and discomfort to a person. All these issues that require a dental procedure are caused because the teeth are not straight or they are misaligned. Tooth decay brings in problems that cause tooth loss. Decay is caused by acid that is released by bacterial action. Bacteria act on sugar or food debris that remains in the mouth. The acid that is released by the bacteria erodes the teeth and brings in decay. When unchecked, the decay progress in the teeth and teeth loss happens. If teeth are straighter and in their proper position, then the chances of decay are less. Tooth loss can be arrested to a great extent by this as problems such as root canal, dental fillings need not be done to restore the teeth. Braces help to keep in their proper positions, decay is reduced drastically as teeth can be cleaned properly and associated dental problems are stopped and oral health is restored.

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